"To boldly go..." also known as "Skin the Bear"



General        Players        Rules        Victory_conditions     Setup        1936        1937        1938        1939        1940        1941        1942     1943





We started this game on September 12, 2000 at Teemu's home. We will play it once a week (on Tuesdays), about four hours at a time.



Once again we agreed what countries to play, based on what people haven't played for some time (and on my comment to Teemu: "I'll show you how to kick some German ass when playing USA").


   Germany: Teemu "Teba" Juntunen, an old fox from times of 4th ed. & DoD.

   Japan: Jan-Jonas "Jankke" Filen, has only played WIFFE & DoD2&3.

   Italy: Matti "Masa" Kuukka, a newbie to WIF.

   USSR: Jarkko "Jakke" Koskinen, a newbie to DoD3, but has played Russia in WIFFE before.

   CW: Mika Launilahti, an old WiF player from times of 4th ed. & DoD.

   France & China: Miika Heinonen, novice in strategic games except our three previous games; and Olavi Johansson; has played much other WW2 strategic 

   games. Nowadays quite busy with his family ;-)

   US: Juha Jansson; I'm an old WiF player from times of 5th ed. & DoD.



The game is a full-blown WIFFE deluxe game with almost all relevant optional rules. We aren't using Leaders (but are otherwise using LiF) or following optional rules:


17. HQ movement

19. In the presence of the enemy

38. Defensive (and offensive) shore bombardment is modified by Teemu's SB rules.

43. 2-dice land combats doesn't match with 2d10 land CRT.

52. Aircraft night missions are only used for strategic bombing.

64. Japanese command conflict


In DoD3 we are using rules dated September 11, 2000, and the following optional rules:


8.7.1 IPO 19.1 (US-Japanese trade agreement)

8.7.2 MP 0(g) (Only one Major Power in ideology)

8.7.2 MP 3.1 (Treaty US entry split)

8.7.2 GE 7.1 (Austria joins in)

8.7.2 IT 7.1 (Austria joins in)

8.7.2 GE 9.1 (Czechoslovakia joins in)

15.14 (Secondary Political Option Play)

15.15 (Reactionary Join In) (Minor Civil War units) and our own alternate US entry system.


We are using the following house rules in WIF Final.


Victory conditions


As usual, we'll play as long as it seems fun. Then the loser is determined based on controlled victory cities.




China sets up one cavalry in Hainan; Commies dominate the North.


Russia has Tuchachevsky and a couple of infantries at Pripets, three garrisons facing Japan and eat up the -1 PE from naval treaty.


Germany has all transporters built in construction pool, and no subs. The other lucky naval treaty loser.


France built only cruisers, and a lot of convoy points and two transporters. Béarn is on the map and manned with a carrier plane!


Italy has one AMPH and almost all their land units in Libya, and one bomber at Rhodes (next to Turkey). Ethiopia is left alone.


Japan has concentrated their land units to Chinese border, except a few near Harbin.


USA has the minimum amount of convoy points (incuding enough to lend lease to China), and one transporter. All other build points are in surface ships.


CW has the third lowest naval points, but all carriers on the map (two of them manned with carrier planes); and enough convoy points to transport resources to all factories when they get to use them.




Jan/Feb 1936


Germany plays 0(g) and ends the political turn short! They build ships and a SYNTH oil.


Mar/Apr 1936


France starts aggressively: they bough fifteen bid points and occupy Rheinland! Germany loses the one resource they controlled previously; France gains one factory and two resources. There is a US entry roll of 3 every turn as long as France occupies Rheinland, and is not at war with Germany. Germany, calmly, responds by couping Spain. 70% of the ground forces go to Government, and Germany decides to surrender Nationalists immediately to save game time (there was little chance Nationalists could have taken over the country before '40). CW 0(g)s and Japan gears up. Everybody got to play.


May/June 1936


Germany makes an economic agreement with Sweden for their resources. Italy plays IT 2 and declares war on Greece. France suggests a treaty to CW who is next, but end the turn.


Greece is directed by CW. Italy manages to conquer it (by throwing 20 on the 2d10 table) before turn ends, even though there are two chances to end the turn before that: demos try a 2, and Commies 1. All ten convoy points go to CW when Greece is conquered at the end of the turn.

Germany still builds only ships.


Jul/Aug 1936


CW is first, but since France is only fifth, CW decides to only sign to the naval treaty. Germany plays 0(g) and then Pripet marshes are filled with dead Russian officers, including Tuchachevsky.


Sep/Oct 1936


Germany spies USA! As a result USA has to play 0(f) as their next option. Russia makes an economic agreement with Turkey and gets to use their factory. CW plays 0(g) and fails to end the political turn. Japan plays Tojo, Italy plays 0(g) and ends the turn before France can play.

Germany has now the lowest naval ratio. CW is the second lowest, but they have signed to the naval treaty.

Germany still builds only ships.


Nov/Dec 1936


Germany gears up. Italy makes an economic agreement with Turkey and gets their two resources. Japan suggests a treaty, but ends the turn before Russia can play.

USA failed to play election, so a republican government is elected. All future US entry rolls are reduced by one (What a shame - now the roll for Rheinland occupation is only 2 each turn!)The bad part is, Demos didn't manage to get any treaties in place. A little bad luck, but the Spanish faith was unexpectedly good.




Jan/Feb 1937


CW and Russia gear up. Italy makes an economic agreement with Spain and Germany and Japan play 0(g).


Pravda headlines:   Stalin : "We need more tanks and heavy artillery to protect our beloved idealism and worker Comrades from treacherous foreign influences."


Mar/Apr 1937


Germany makes a second economic agreement with Sweden, this time for their factory (to compensate their loss of two Rhineland factories). CW suggests a treaty, and USA utilises his forced 0(f) and responds. USA sends one build point per turn to CW. Italy gears up and ends the turn.

Stalin announces starting the training of paratroopers, as the first country in the world.


May/Jun 1937


France plays his 1936 elections. USA gears up, and now gets four build points. CW plays 0(g), and Japan suggests a treaty and Russia accepts. Russia sends two resources and one oil in exchange of one build point. Stalin : "Yellow chimps are our work.... friends."


Roosevelt is angry at Stalin; Congress is concerned over both parties about the closening relations between Russia and Japan.


Jul/Aug 1937


France suggests a treaty, and USA accepts and sends one build point per turn to France. Germany plays 0(g) and ends the turn.


"We must give all possible help to our friends fighting the evils of Fascism and Communism", Roosevelt declares.


Sep/Oct 1937


Germany supports Rumania against Hungarian and Bulgarian land claims! Then France gears up and now gets 6 BP/turn, plus one from the US. Japan plays 0(g) and ends the turn before China can play.


Germany still builds naval units, but has also built half a dozen pilots and some specialized land units (ARM, HQ-I).


Nov/Dec 1937


Italy plays 0(g). Germany makes an alliance with Rumania, and activates it next to Germany on the political display, and ends the turn before Japan and China can play.


Pravda headlines:    Stalin : "Bad is good."


Russia equips a field artillery division, Germany a tank and infantry. Japan has built a total of five land units, and on average three naval units per turn. Germany has no subs. Maybe CW should be worried?


(CW and France have a problem: Still no treaties in place between the two. France even ends up owing their 1937 elections, and China is yet to gear up. Japan doesn't seem to be coming to China anytime soon, so gear up would be a good thing. Lady Luck just wouldn't allow it.)




Jan/Feb 1938


USA bids 14, gears up and gets five build points. Russia follows and ends the turn before CW can do the same. Russia activates Turkey (in the center hex) two hexes further away from Fascism.


Pravda headlines:    Stalin : 'Comrades, greedy Democrats and dark clouds of Fascism are preparing to attack our workers paradise. We must stand united when the moment comes and prepare for it by forging impenetrable iron curtain to shield off the jackals. Those who disargee with my decision to raise working hours per

week to fifty will be transported by trans-siberian train 312 to holiday camp named Gulag 6512.'


Chamberlain responds that Stalin should have stood right behind Tuchachevsky when he was shot.


Hitler promotes Rundstedt and starts forming an armoured headquarter for him to command. Stalin responds by ordering the formation of Zhukov's armoured headquarter: "Comrade Zhukov, I expect you to chit them off; no less, no more."


France get their first US entry chit for occupying Rhineland (not counting the three from playing the option).


Mar/Apr 1938


Germany gears up and gets 11 BP/turn. Italy plays 0(g) and ends the turn before Japan and CW can play.


Pravda headlines:1st week of March: Stalin: "Comrades, I have just received urgent and distressing news from Persia. Traitorous Democrats have mislead goodwilling working people of Persia and are guiding them towards  the slavery of capitalism. We can not allow this happen and must take decisive action now."


Russian heavy bombers bomb Teheran, and everyone in it, to ashes (Russia carpet bombs Teheran with a force of 20, and would have destroyed even two units). US Congress is outraged (two chits).


   2nd week of March: Stalin: "Comrades, I have brought to you excellent news. Working class of Persia has embraced the idealism of Communism and joined the mighty USSR. Working class has thrown out the evil democrats from Persia and new government has been elected with stunning support of ninety-nine percent from people of Persia."


On the second impulse a Russian cavalry corps races to the dead city, and Persians cower before their new masters.

Germany builds two naval bombers, Japan ships and CW bid points.


May/Jun 1938


CW bids ten, gears up and activates Poland underneath. They now get 18 BP/turn, plus one from the US.

France bids seven and play their 1937 elections, and activates Finland next to Democratic ideology, a long way between Communism and Democracy. Germany, to the frustration of both CW and France, bids only one, and seeing his opportunity, Hitler demands Sudetenlands. Italy and Japan play 0(g) and end the turn.


Stalin has deployed heavily against Finland and has stubbornly mumbled "assault...assault" for the whole evening, despite the fact that Finland is unlikely to move to Fascist camp anymore. Roosevelt has sent an ambassar to Kreml with an ultimatum concerning Finland's situation. Will Stalin come to his senses, or is he just a blind, ordinary oppressor, like Fascists? We shall see next week...


Jul/Aug 1938


US - French relations reach another era (a level two treaty) when USA suggests a treaty and France accepts. The old trade treaty is abolished, and USA starts supplying France with two oil and one resource ("For civilian consumption", Blum states). Russia informs the international media of their recent "Approval of

Persia as a member of the Soviet Union" (Russia plays his owed DOW), and ends the turn.


US Congress is appalled at the French occupation of Rhineland.


Russia is about to demand both Bessarabia and Finnish borderlands, but after Hitler declares "Rumania will not bow to tyranny before their future is guaranteed by a treaty between their protector, Germany, and the greedy Russian regime", Hitler and Stalin have an hour's negotiation with the two other Fascists backing Hitler. The contents of this quite heated negotiation remain a secret to Democrats, but as a result, Russia calls off the demands ("For now", Stalin announces.).


1. Impulse. Japan sails loaded transporters, and cruisers filled with infantry divisions, to South China Sea.


2. Impulse. "Pacific to the yellow race!" cries Tojo, and announces his intentions to drive the Dutch from East Indies back to Europe. Netherlands sets up all of their convoy points in Europe, and everything else in Netherlands East Indies. Territorial and the Dutch infantry occupy Batavia. Japan first port strikes the ships in Batavia, and bottoms one and damages the two others. Then Tojo lands two infantry divisions; one in Telok Betong (West of Batavia), and one SE of Surabaya.


Dutch sub sails from Surabaya, but misses Japanese convoys.


3. Impulse. Japan lands more troops next to Batavia, which is a tougher nut to crack than they expected (thanks to the INF), and attacks it at 3.5:1. NEI territorial is killed for two dead Japanese divisions.


The rest of the turn is pretty quiet, because all shots are already fired.


Sep/Oct 1938                                                                                                                                                                                  Retour en haut de page?


Ribbentrop visits Moscow in a tense atmosphere, and an understanding is reached. Russia recognises Rumania as a German satellite, and Germany recognises the legitimacy of Russian demands to Bessarabia.

Furthermore, Germany agrees for not activating Finland and Turkey closer to Fascism, and will inform Kreml about the attack on Yugoslavia four turns before the event, so that Russia may cancel his alliance with the said minor before that. In exchange for this, Russia sends two oil and one resource to Germany each turn,

and Germany responds by sending back one build point. In the secret protocol Russia promises to send one more resource when they have captured the Iraqi oil wells, or four turns from now, whichever is sooner. US Congress is concerned about growing Communist influence (+1 chit), but, strangely, not about Germany.


Japan plays his owed DOW on Netherlands, and Italy plays 0(g). France gears up, and now gets 13 BP/turn (as much as Germany!). 


Movement order: Fascists/Democrats/Commies.


1. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Temperate; storm in North Monsoon. 

Japan sends more troops to Netherland East Indies.

CW just shuffles units in Europe. Russia demands and gets both Bessarabia and Finnish Borderlands (from Germany and France).


2. Impulse. Fine weather everywhere. Japan attacks Batavia. This time they get 8:1 table (despite the reserve militia) and kill it easily using Umezu's HQ support. Germany has quite a force near Netherlands, but doesn't seem to have the courage to attack.

CW DOWs Japan! But as they have made the mistake of basing every ship (Yes, every single ship!) in Europe, they can't take advantage of the surprise impulse.


3. Impulse. Still fine. EOT: 1. Japan sends cruisers all over the Pacific searching unprotected CW convoys, but only sink one of the two in New Zealand Coast. CW responds by withdrawing his convoys from Pacific to Canada (those that can reach Canada, that is). 


4. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Temperate. EOT: 3. Japan searches and misses in Tasman Sea; Coral Sea convoys are left alone. Commies roll out.

Russia builds a FORT-3. Netherlands East Indies is conquered by Japan.


Nov/Dec 1938


Italy suggests two treaties, but end the turn before Germans can accept. Bad luck. 

US Congress remembers that something funny is going on in the Rhineland.

Neither GE&IT or CW&FR have any treaty levels with each other. This seems interesting - everyone is on their own.


Movement order: Commies/Democrats/Fascists. 


1. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Temperate. Russia DOWs Iraq, Baltic States and Saudi Arabia. US Congress is outraged on all of these new demonstrations of Russian imperialism (+3 chits - I managed to roll less than three on two occasions!). A paratroop corps lands on Saudi Arabian oil, and three armies race next to Baghdad and capture it at +13. Japan covers his precious convoys to US, and sails a mighty task force to South China Sea.

CW sends a lone cruiser through South China Sea to China Sea, but it misses. Then four cruisers start from Vancouver, and go hunting for Japanese convoys in Central Pacific Ocean. Both sides find, and the Japanese carrier in 4-box gets an "A" on one of the arrogant British cruisers, but it saves. On the next combat round

both sides miss. 


2. Impulse. Snow/Snow/Rain/Fine/Rain. Russia occupies the Baltic States' capitals, and moves towards Riyadh. Japan invades Malaya North of Singapore. CW tries again to slip a task force past the Japanese fleet in South China Sea, but this time Japan succesfully intercepts. CW task force stops in the sea area, and

both sides find. Four carrier planes manage to damage two cruisers, and CW aborts the sea area. CW cruisers in Central Pacific miss all targets. 


3. Impulse. Blizzard/Snow/Snow/Rain/Storm. EOT: 3. Commies pass to stop Japan from occupying the Malayan capital, but doesn't succeed. CW still misses in Central Pacific. Japan occupies Kuala Lumpur.


4. Impulse. Raining in Arctic. EOT: 8. Commies roll out.

Germany builds stukas and a gun. Malaya is conquered by Japan.




Jan/Feb 1939


Italy gears up ("We are finally ready to overthrow the rotten imperialistic democracies!", Mussolini cries.) and activates Belgium from under France to neutral zone. France play their (once again) owed elections, and activate Sweden three hexes from the center hex, between Democracy and Communism. As a secondary

option they join the naval treaty, but (once again) the US Congress doesn't see their good intention (missed the US entry roll). USA pays for the French politics.


Then Germany plays 0(g), and end the turn before Japan can gear up. US Congress notices the Rhineland occupation again.


Movement order: Commies/Fascists/Democrats. 


1. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Temperate. Russia slaughters Riyadh at 15:1, and Japan escorts convoy lines.


2. Impulse. Fine weather. Germany declares war on Netherlands (+1 chit), and sails a task force in Faeroes Gap, where the 10 Dutch convoy points are hiding. Graf Zeppelin & co. manage to sink eight of these, and force the two remaining to abort to Rotterdam. Then Germany assaults and takes Amsterdam from the lone

Dutch militia.

CW DOWs Germany (+1 chit) and responds by sending a NAV to North Sea 2-box, and home fleet to Faeroes Gap. Unfortunately, only Germany finds and decides to fight against the 0-box. In the air-to-air battles the CW NAV is aborted, but it manages to shoot down the carrier plane. The fast elements of the Kriegsmarine flee in panic, and miraculously avoid the patrolling bombers in North Sea.

CW also sends cruisers to Coral Sea one-box to sink the division-loaded Japanese cruisers, but Japan turns the table by finding and sinking the lone CW CP, and aborts the sea area.


3. Impulse. Still fine. EOT: 1. Commies pass (not that it does any good), and Germany looks at Belgium and drools, but decides to wait for next turn to get two clear impulses. Instead they DOW Denmark and bottom one and damage the other old coal barge, and destroy one convoy point. A division runs to Copenhagen.

Japan divinvades an OOS Rabaul.

CW sails the four Danish CPs from Iceland to safety. 


4. Impulse. Still fine! (The weather rolls this turn have been 2, 1, 1 and 1!) EOT: 3. Commies pass again, to no avail. Germany can't believe his luck - if he had DOWed Belgium on impulse 3, he would now hold the entire country, and be probably on the French border. Now he just sits in Netherlands and waits for next


Demos roll out. A 1-1 partisan appears in Iraq, and seizes the Northern oil field. Germany gets one US entry chit. Saudi Arabia is conquered by Russia.

(Russia has reinforced the Manchurian border heavily - Zhukov & CO are near Blag. It seems that in a while they will be able to break the pact and DOW Japan. Japan doesn't seem to be very worried, though.) 


Mar/Apr 1939


Germany bids for two options, and play their owed DOW. As a secondary option they decide to declare war (on who??). Then, as their second primary option Hitler occupies the Czech rump and end the turn, before Japan can gear up. Tojo has a very strong opinion about Hitler's die hand (and Hitler), but I think I won't

quote him on that.J


 (Germany gets two INF, one ARM, FTR-2 and LND-3; and two pilots. CW gets +3 PE and France +1. I guess now things start to happen.)


Movement order: Democrats/Fascists/Commies. (Fascists let demos be before them to deny demos the chance to strike back in the same weather.)


1. Impulse. Raining in the Arctic.

CW extends the convoy line from South Africa to Australia to provide oil there, and covers these convoys.

Germany shuffles units, including a PARA and ATR to Netherlands.

Russia carpet bombs the Iraqi rabble, preventing the use of one oil. 


2. Impulse. Fine weather. Germany declares war on both France and Belgium among the protests of the US Senate (+3 chits), and France activates Belgium underneath and joins it in immediately.

Belgian units are set up in Liege, Antwerp and in the Southern forests. Two French corps sit in Saarbrucken. Germany attacks both of these cities at about +18 and takes them; a paradrop is made West of Brussels at +17, blocking the French entry to the city. Germany also ground struck both corps in Lille.

CW and Japan are having quite a quiet time in the Pacific. Japan uses cruisers to cover his convoys, while CW does likewise.


3. Impulse. Snow/Storm/Rain; Storm in South Monsoon.

The French, unable to make ground strikes or best utilize their MECH in the storms, decide to make the German paratrooper pay for its arrogant drop zone. Result is $1/B, and half of the attackers stay face up. Motorized division dies, but because of the bad weather they can't blitz through to Brussels. (Exactly what the fascists hoped to achieve by letting demos act before themselves. Grrr.). Germany occupies empty Brussels, and attacks the two flipped garrison units in Aachen, but kill only one when the French chose blitz table (-/1).


4. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Temperate. EOT: 5. Demos shuffle and roll out.

France gets one intelligence point. Belgium is conquered by Germany.


May/Jun 1939                                                                                                                                                                                Retour en haut de page?


USA bids 11 and gears up, and activates Brazil into Social Democrat faction, giving their factory and resource to the French. Russia bids 13 and plays their owed options: First their border rectification demands, and as a secondary option their DOW for Iraq, Baltic States and Saudi Arabia. Japan bids 9 (all they've got)

and gears up to PML 3, and activates Portugal under Italy. Germany bids7 of their 9 bid points, also gears up (to PML 4, getting a PM of 1) and uses his -4 in Sweden to slide it sideways, ending its move full 10 hexes from Germany. Italy and France play 0(g), and France activates Finland under CW in the political display. CW manages to not end the turn and plays his both owed DOWs, one as primary, one as secondary option. In the end, even China manages to get his first option and finally gears up (only two years late, but thanks to that at half price!).


Movement order: Fascists/Democrats/Commies.


1. Impulse. Fine weather.

Germany escorts the strike SE of Brussels, and France doesn't intercept. One corps is flipped. West of Brussels France decides to protect his MECH, but the Hawk is shot down at -2 table, and MECH flipped. SE of Brussels is blitzed at +12, and two infantries die and an AA is shattered. A Ju-52 tries to fly air supply to

Brussels, and seeing that all German fighters are used, a two-engined Potez intercepts and shoots it down with pilots at +3 table!


Japan sails fleets to Coral Sea and Bay of Bengal. Both fleets have also invasion troops. CW sails past the IJN to Bismarck Sea and sinks the Japanese convoy point.


2. Impulse. Fine weather. Germany, having used Rundstedt and von Leeb to reorganise aircraft, strikes SW of Brussels, and flips both corps. West of Brussels is also struck, but both face up units are missed. SE of Brussels is attacked at +12 (with the normal five ARM... yuck!) minus Pretelat's HQ support, and result is

$/B. Half attackers stay face up, defenders are shattered.

Japan lands in SE India, Cocanda, with two corps and a division, and SE of Mackay in Australia. CW has about a dozen corps in India, and four in Australia. Italy has sent quite an expedition force on the Libyan-Egyptian border; CW has only one corps in Cairo.


3. Impulse. Raining in the Arctic and South Monsoon; Storm in North Monsoon. West of Brussels is finally attacked at +11, and result is $/R. The MECH is retreated to NW of Lille. Aachen is slaughtered at +16.

Japan advances in India; CW tries to get some kind of defence line against them. Russia rail moves more troops to Manchurian border, and has all entry chits in offensive mode.


4. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. EOT: 1. Germany attacks SE of Lille at +12 minus Billotte's HQ support. Half the attackers are flipped, and defenders shattered. Saarbrucken is slaughtered at +8. 

France fixes his lines the best he can, but is quite short of troops. All other democrats pass, but fail to end the turn. Commies pass and end the turn with the German panzers two hexes from Paris, and France having very few corps between the panzers and Paris, but a zillion corps and artillery on the production spiral.

(Japan now has Umezu HQ, about four other corps and two divisions in SE India, and has captured one resource and stopped the transport of another (which doesn't really bother Mika, because CW hasn't been transporting these resources anywhere). In Australia Japan has two corps and one division, just South of

Mackay. After CW suicide runs against the Japanese convoy lines Japan has escorted his convoys in every possible sea area, tying down a lot of his naval assets, but protecting his precious convoys. Japan has also reinforced Manchuria against the Russians, keeping their precious corps away from India and Australia.

USA now produces 11 BP, and in addition is giving two BP/turn to CW. CW gets 21 BP/turn when US lend lease is counted in, and France produced a massive amount of 17 BP even though Lille is surrounded so that no resources reach the three factories. China gets 2 and Russia 11 or 12, depending on how much

they need oil to reorganise. 


Germany gets 20, Italy 10, and Japan 13 BP/turn, assuming IJN doesn't use excessive amounts of oil.)

Germany and Japan get one chit; France gets three intelligence points.


Jul/Aug 1939


Italy and Japan play 0(g). USA interns the Beárn, and reveals 26 entry against Germany, 11 IT, 14 JA, 17 RU, 23 FR, 4 US and 8 vs. CW. Three chits against both Germany and Japan remain hidden. The roll creates tension against Germany.


France bid third, but decided to drop down to 8th to let Russia gear up. Russia gets now a total of 16 BP/turn, and activates Yugoslavia into the outern faction of Communism. Then CW suggests a treaty, and another as a secondary option. USA accepts one treaty proposition (upgrading their treaty to level 2), and promises to send four oil to CW each turn in addition of lend leasing at least 2 BP/turn. Turn ends before Germany, China and France can play.


Movement order: Communists/Fascists/Democrats.


1. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon.

Germany strikes Lille and a brand new French fighter intercepts and is shot down. Stuka flips only a defending AA - MECH remains face up. One of the two corps ENE of Paris are also flipped. A forest NW of Metz is blitzed at +8, and a Belgian infantry and an old field artillery are forced to retreat. Half attackers stay face up. ENE of Paris a French fighter shoots down a He-112, and Potez clears through. At +13 Germans manage to break through the two infantries, but don't exploit it ($/1B).

CW searches in Bismarck Sea, and sinks one Japanese convoy point and damages a cruiser. Two hexes NE of Paris is ground struck, but the only result is a shot down Hurricane I.


2. Impulse. Same weather. Mussolini, having sailed his fleet of three subs to Cape St. Vincent on the first impulse, declares war on CW! US congress is furious (+2 chits). Subs in the CSV activate and find the CW cruisers in 3- and 4-box, but only manage to damage one and abort two, while two of the Italian subs are aborted. On the second round the one remaining Italian sub finds and sinks a transporter in 0-box. The battle ends with the last Italian sub headed for the drydocks.  

Germany strikes Lille, and an intercepting French CVP is shot down. The city is slaughtered at +14, and a garrison army shattered. A militia NW of Metz is blitzed at +20.

CW strikes SE of Lille, and Wellington is shot down. France rail moves Rouen factory to Bordeaux.


3. Impulse. Still same weather. SW of Lille a Potez, trying to shoot down a Stuka, is aborted, and an AA division flipped. Two hexes East of Paris both corps are flipped. Both of these hexes are attacked; the former (containing a French MECH) is blitzed empty at +8 and the MECH is the lone survivor, and in the latter attack (after a French Farman clears through) at +10 an AA and infantry are shattered. Japan reinforces their beach head in India and Australia, and Italy runs into undefended Alexandria.

The French notice a hole in the German lines, leading straight to face-down Rundstedt's armoured HQ South of Liege! Figuring there is only so much to lose, Marseilles militia fearlessly sets an attack at -2, and is killed among the laughter of all ideologies. 


4. Impulse. Storm in North Monsoon. EOT: 1. Commies pass and end the turn.

Germany and Japan get one chit. France gets three intelligence points.


Democrats have been very lucky with the end of turn rolls - both summer turns ended after the first possible Commie impulse, rolling a one. On the other hand, French air to air rolls have been awful: One 20, one 5, one 15, and the rest 11s, 12s or 13s. Germany has rolled well in his attacks (not a single land unit

lost yet), and shot down a total of four French aircraft, all in +1 or +2 table.


Sep/Oct 1939                                                                                                                                                                                  Retour en haut de page?


Japan suggests a treaty. Italy plays his owed DOW, and as a secondary option accept the treaty. Germany, Russia and CW play 0(g), and China gears up, getting now 4 BP/turn, and ends the turn before France can play.


Movement order: Fascists/Democrats/Communists.


1. Impulse. Fine weather. Germany strikes East and NW of Paris, but misses both stacks. NW of Paris is blitzed at (only!)+9, and a French infantry, garrison and anti-air gun are blitzed to production chart. West of Metz is blitzed at +14, and again the defenders are only shattered.

Japan port strikes Bombay, but two aborts net nothing. Italy auto-blitzes a lone territorial NW of Suez, and manages to close Suez.

A French twin-engined Potez tries a ground strike, but BF-109's chase it away. CW sails a convoy point from Adelaide, putting a GAR and TERR NE of Newcastle back in supply, and kill a lone Japanese MOT division in Newcastle. A Wellington strategically bombs Essen, but misses each and every factory.


2. Impulse. Storm/Rain/Rain/Storm. Germany sails to 4-box to hunt CW convoys in Faeroes Gap, but Hitler isn't impressed by Kriegsmarine's locating ability. Italy kills a face down INF in Cairo. Japan sails to Tasman Sea, and Yamato and a cruiser are aborted, while one CW cruiser is damaged.

CW sails to Arabian Sea, gets four surprise points and sneaks on CV Shokaku in the storms. The carrier is sunk on a surprise salvo from the British fleet, but the revenge of IJN is swift: Hood and Glorious are damaged. On the second round the lone CW ship, Renown, is sunk, but fights valiantly and takes CA Kako with her.

In Faeroes Gap CW reinforces his convoy protection and activates, but Germany gets eight surprise points against 0-box. Nelson is sunk and a cruiser damaged. Germany aborts back to Kiel, and manages to dodge a CW NAV patrolling the North Sea 3-box.


3. Impulse. Same weather. EOT: 1. Germany attacks Metz at +6, and loses three units to one French!

These two militias and one infantry divisions are first German land unit losses of the war!

Italy attacks an infantry in Suez, the last CW unit in Egypt, and manages to destroy it because it is forced to retreat with no retreat path.


CW shuffles units in India and Australia. Rest of the demos pass, but turn continues. Russia passes and (Once again!) ends the turn on their first possible opportunity. Hitler says that France seems to hold at least to 1940.


Japan and Italy both get one chit, and three intelligence points.


Nov/Dec 1939


CW plays 0(g). Germany declares an occupation of Rhineland, and as a secondary option plays the SS option. Japan, Italy and Russia play 0(g).


Movement order: Fascists/Democrats/Communists.


1. Impulse. Bl/Sn/Sn/R/St/R. Germany takes an air impulse and three stukas strike Metz; only one garrison manages to stay face up. Von Bock reorgs the planes. Italy sends a cruiser with engineers onboard to Red Sea. Russia reinforces Rumanian border heavily, and East Prussian a little.


2. Impulse. Bl/Sn/St/F/St/F. EOT: 1. Germany again strikes Metz, to no avail this time, but attacks it nonetheless. France sends in a Farman bomber, escorted by four fighters, and for the first time gets to shoot the Germans from + table. Germany bungles the roll, and offers a bounce combat for the French!

France selects the Stuka as a target, but manages to clear it through at +3 table, and get his own fighter aborted :-(

In the end, a German fighter is shot down and French bomber cleared through, and the attack comes off at +11. Germany loses a mountain division for a French FA and garrison; one garrison (which could have retreated to Strasbourg) is shattered. Half of the attackers stay face up.


3. Impulse. Raining in the Arctic. EOT: 7. Italy invades Malta, and Berbera in British Somaliland, and runs over Amman and Jerusalem. Germany blitzes East of Paris at +9, and retreats the defenders (a MECH, militia and AA). One garrison unit in Strasbourg is slaughtered, but Germany loses a MOT and an INF. Japan attacks Sydney at +9, and kills an Australian territorial while getting the Nagoyan militia killed. Demos shuffle and roll out.

A 0-strength partisan appears in Iraqi mountains, near the Turkish border (Kurdish freedom fighters?) after I rolled a "1". (Needless to say, Stalin is getting tired of my partisan hand) :-) France gets five intelligence points. Trans-Jordan, Palestine and British Somaliland are conquered by Italy




Jan/Feb 1940


After a long negotiation between Democrats and Commies, they come back and and announce their bids (We noticed Germany has 5 money points... so we'll have to take a chance!). France is first, and breaks his alliance with Rumania, and USA plays East Coast Escorts. As a secondary option France suggests a treaty.

Then Russia tears up his treaty with Germany (US Congress doesn't care), giving him free hands to DOW Rumania (Too bad neutral major powers may not play MP 4 as a secondary option...). Then CW gears up, now getting 27 BP/turn after the 2BP US lend lease, and accepts the French treaty proposition as a

secondary option. They now have a level one treaty. Tension rises when Japan gears up, but turn doesn't end... and Japan suggests a treaty. Italy gears up... and doesn't end the turn (Damn!), only accepts the Japanese treaty proposition, bringing their treaty to level 2. Then Germany joins Rumania in (at this point Stalin mumbles something about "the touchy French" not letting him DOW a French allied Rumania - Germany didn't have enough money to both break the French alliance and join Rumania in). Germany doesn't end the turn, so China gets to gear up to peace time maximum, getting 6 BP/turn, and even gets to play a secondary option. After a moment of discussion, China plays the Credit Card, because Germany and Japan are at their creadit limit, and Italy at -10. Germany pays up 4 BP, USA and CW 3, Japan, Italy and France 2 and China and Russia 1. Politics is over.


Movement order: Communists/Democrats/Fascists.


1. Impulse. Snow/Storm/Fine/Fine/Rain/Fine.

Italy invades the Cyprus resource. CW sends two cruisers to South China Sea 2-box to find unescorted convoys, but the seamen seem quite lost.


2. Impulse. Horrible weather: Bl/Bl/Sn/F/St/R.

Everywhere is quiet. Russia pulls back most of its forces in Bessarabia.


3. Impulse. Snow in the Arctic, Storm in North Temperate and Rain in South Monsoon. EOT: 5. 

Russia shuffles some units and ends the turn.


A 0-strength partisan appears in Malaya, and is placed in the jungles of Singapore (Japan just embarked their land unit in Malaya, so the partisan had a perfect timing). Italy gets one chit, and France one intelligence point. Ceylon is conquered by Japan.   


Mar/Apr 1940


On the left: Political display before politics.


CW makes an alliance with Sweden, and succeeds in throwing more than 5 with 2d6. Sweden is activated under France, denying Germany the three resources and one factory. Germany is down to 14 resources and five oil...

Italy plays IT 7 and joins Austria in. As a secondary option Italy offers a treaty. Then, as their second primary and secondary options they also offer treaties. Germany accepts, and instantly Germany and Italy cooperate! France calls the League of Nations to impose trade sanctions on Italy for their war on CW. Unfortunately, some Italian lackeys (Austria) are also called in the voting and vote against sanctions. Then Japan plays 0(g) and ends the turn before China and USA can play.

Demos win initiative, and fascists demand a reroll. France uses five intelligence points to roll the initiative beforehand, rolls a 2 and hands it down to fascists. Movement order: Commies/Demos/Fascists.


1. Impulse. Raining in Arctic. France uses artilleries to strike East of Rouen and NE of Paris. East of Rouen a fighter and a militia are flipped. NE of Paris an ARM

division and corps are flipped. Germany responds by striking Paris and after amazing die rolls gets a ME-110 and an old LND-2 shot down; the fighter with

pilots. Italy joins in Hungary and sails subs to North Atlantic but fails to find. 


2. Impulse. Horrible weather:

Blizzard/Blizzard/Snow/Rain/Storm/Storm. Nothing happens.

On the right, above: European theater. Below: Asian/Pacific map.


3. Impulse. Raining in Arctic. EOT: 3. The French 120mm gun strikes Germans East of Paris, and flips each and every unit in the hex (two infantries and a field artillery). Then France sets up an attack, and chooses the assault table at +6. They throw the unbelievable 19+6 and the hex is cleared - two infantries are killed and the artillery shattered. France sends an AA, MOT and an infantry into the hex. Paris only has one face-down militia and a field artillery.

Germany strikes SE of Rouen and only one corps is spared. East of Paris one unit is flipped, and both hexes attacked at +12 and +11. Teemu's rolls are horrible: 12+2 sees one unit lost on both sides SE of Rouen, and 11+8 a result of $1/B. Germany loses one motorized and one mechanised division in these two attacks. (But at least they take back the second hex to Paris...)

Japan attacks Canberra at +7, but only gets two of his units killed for one Australian territorial. Italy lands next to Aden with an engineer division.


4. Impulse. St/St/R/F/R/F. Russia pulls back and rolls out.

Germany and Japan get one chit, and France three intelligence points.


We run out of entry chits, so half of the chits are returned to the pool, resulting in the following amount of entry removed from each major power's pool:


Germany          29

Italy                 13

Japan               22

Russia              14

CW                 10

France             20

USA                4

China               0


Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia have still four chits unrevealed. France has five, CW two, and USA one. 


May/Jun 1940


Japan allies with Mexico, and activates it next to Japan on political display. As a secondary Tojo offers a treaty, and Russia accepts. Russia and Japan have now a level two treaty. The treaty conditions are:


Russia gives 2 oil and 2 resources per turn. Japan sends back one build point.

Russia immediately builds two convoy points in Vladivostok, and uses these from Jan/Feb 1941 onwards to deliver the oil resources directly to Japanese home islands.

Russia eats up the US entry. Japan pays 2 BP, and Russia one for this treaty.

This treaty can not be broken in nine turns. 

After nine turns, the treaty partners agree to renew a level 2 treaty. They will offer (and try to accept) the treaty each turn until succesful.

Russia gives their political activation to Japan this turn. Japan stacks Mexico with Japan.


CW and Germany play 0(g), and end the turn before France can play.


Demos win initiative, and fascists again demand a reroll. France again uses five intelligence points to roll it beforehand, rolls a six, and decides to keep it. Fascists roll a seven.

Movement order: Fascists/Communists/Democrats.


CW gets a newly built territorial to reinforce Canberra in Australia. Australia now has two territorials and the Sydney militia defending the entire country.


1. Impulse. Storm/Rain/Fine/Storm/Rain/Rain. Japan joins in Mexico! USA has no land units in USA (Fortunately, we are using the US minimap, so the Mexicans are out of supply in every hex that doesn't contain a Mexican city. Besides, I'll get four reserve units if Japan DOWs me  ).

The Mexican ship sails to the Caribbean 2-box in the storms, and manages to find the seven CW convoys! 3 CPs are sunk and one aborted. 

Germany strikes Paris, and an old French fighter is shot down, and both corps in Paris flipped. Germany also sails through Faeroes Gap, and CW succesfully intercepts with a NAV in 2-box. Germany fights through, and manages to shoot down the NAV with the carrier plane aboard the Graf Zeppelin. In North Atlantic Germany finds three times in a row (rolling a four or less), and manages to sink 3 French and 5 CW convoy points. An old CW battleship is damaged and a cruiser and two CPs aborted. Italian subs sink two CPs and abort one in Cape St Vincent.

Russia again carpet bombs the Iraqi partisan, but again just scorches the countryside.

CW sails task forces to Faeroes Gap to block the Kriegsmarine's retreat route, and to North Atlantic to hunt them down. Germany again finds the 0-box, and a CW carrier aborts. Germany aborts the sea area, and once again avoids the hunters in Faeroes Gap.


2. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. Germany blitzes NW of Paris at +11, and cleanly slaughters the defenders, gaining a third hex on Paris. CW and Italy fight in the Arabian Sea, resulting in a sunk Italian and a damaged CW cruiser. Japan occupies an empty Melbourne.


3. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. EOT: 1. Germany burns an offensive chit and attacks Paris. French use 5 intelligence points and the attack comes off at +12, and Paris is easily captured. Japan attacks Canberra at +8, and finally captures it.

France makes many suicidal attacks. SE of Rouen they lose three units, and in Paris and SE of Metz two units. East of Paris they succesfully blitz through the defenders at +7, and manage to overrun two face down fighters! The capture of Paris has been revenged! (Unfortunately, all the ships are still in either Brest,

Marseilles, or Dakar... about to go Vichy!)


4. Impulse. Fine weather. EOT: 3. Italy attacks East of Bombay in India at +6, and loses a motorized division and forces a retreat. Germany slaughters the arrogant French: ARM and MECH are blitzed at +17 and +12. Fascists don't end the turn, and France sends fleets to more hospitable ports, accompanied by a MTN in one of the transporters.

Greece and France get a partisan. the French partisan appears in Calais (the only hex that isn't in a ZOC).

French CPs return to New Caledonia, Mauritius, French Somaliland, Port de France in the Caribbean, and French Equitorial Africa. The fleet returns to Equitorial Africa.

Germany, Italy and Japan all get one chit. Italy and Japan get one intelligence point.


As expected, Germany Vichies France. Equitorial Africa, New Caledonia and "Other Territories & minors" go free. Vichy gets only one CP (in Dakar) and three short-ranged cruisers; the rest go free! Gabon is the Free French home country. 


Australia is conquered by Japan.


Jul/Aug 1940


Italy guarantees Spain, and uses the Japanese +4 to activate it one hex from the Fascist ideology (Bloody Russians making a treaty with Japan are responsible for this! ). Then Germany first wants two Spanish resources ("To make up for the lost Swedish resources", Speer says), and plays the owed Vichy option as a

secondary option. Then, as her second option, Germany makes a treaty with Spanish Republic and activates it in fascist ideology! At this point the US wakes up and plays US entry option 12, "US sells licenses to produce aircraft". It is targetted against Japan and Germany. Then Japan plays his owed Mexican join in.

Then USA, who only bid one for two options, plays Neutrality Act twice, and getting a PE of 3! Then USA moves fleet to Pearl Harbor!


The following amount of entry is revealed, resulting in 26 US entry against Japan:

Movement order: Democrats/Fascists/Communists.


1. Impulse. Storm in North Monsoon. Free French partisan steps to Lille, forcing a German fighter to rebase.

Japan lands SE of Auckland at +14, and Germany slaughters the French partisan in Lille. Italy captures Aden. Russia carpet bombs the Iraqi partisan, but again, to no avail.


2. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. German troops head for a holiday near the Polish border.


3. Impulse. Storm in North Monsoon. Japan closes on Wellington. Iraqi partisan steps on one of the oil wells, next to an out of supply Russian garrison unit.


4. Impulse. Storm in North Monsoon. EOT: 1. German troops continue their migration towards the East.


5. Impulse. Storm in North Monsoon. EOT: 3. CW strategic bombs Hamburg with an old Wellington, and destroys 2 PP. Then demos end the turn.


Japan gets one tension chit. Italy and Japan get 3 intelligence points.


Sep/Oct 1940                                                                                                                                                                                  Retour en haut de page?


We realized Italy still owed their IPO 5 for Hungary last turn, and couldn't have guaranteed Spain. So we fixed it as if Italy played IPO 5 last turn, and Germany bid for three options and guaranteed Spain as their one additional option.


Italy guarantees Spain and activates it beneath Germany, and USA starts repairing Western Allied ships.

Germany breaks the Polish alliance, and as a secondary option play their war card. Japan plays 0(g). USA announces that Hawaii is now the 49th State (CW and France help with the huge administration costs this causes), and then plays elections. USA activates Brazil underneath herself, netting one BP/turn, and taking it away from France. (Again everyone else bid nothing, and USA got two options with one bid point.)


Movement order: Fascists/Communists/Democrats. 


1. Impulse. St/R/R/St/F/F. Germany DOWs Poland and (with almost the entire army gathered around Poland) kills three speedbumps. CW makes a port strike in Brest, gets three surprise points, and after air to air combat the Graf Zeppelin is damaged. The Polish fighter flies to neutral Yugoslavia, and pilots head for the Royal Airforce.


2. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Temperate, storm in North Monsoon. Russia carpet bombs the Iraqi partisan (this time it is sitting on an oil well), again to no effect. Japan attacks Wellington at +10, to no effect. Italy blitzes East of Bombay +7 and takes the hex easily. Germany assaults Lodz and Krakow at +12 and +18, takes both cities, shooting down the Polish bomber but allowing the pilots to escape to the safety of RAF.


3. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Monsoon. EOT: 3. Germany auto-kills Warsaw, and Japan finally kills the partisan in Singapore. Commies end the turn.


A 1-2 partisan appears in Occupied France, in the forests SE of Bordeaux, preventing the railed engineer in Bordeaux from unflipping. Germany gets one tension chit, and Italy and Japan one intelligence point.


Nov/Dec 1940


CW and France play 0(g). Russia, fearing a DOW on their allied Yugoslavia, decide to break their alliance.

Although the Yugos are quite upset about this, they still remain in close Russian sphere of influence (next to Russia on the political display, thanks to a lot of Fascist minuses).


Italy, Germany, Japan and USA play 0(g). 


Movement order: Fascists/Democrats/Communists. 


1. Impulse. Snow/Storm/Rain/Fine/Rain/Fine. The Mexican ship tries to sink CW convoy points, but this time it is surprised by CW cruisers and carrier in 3-box, and damaged. Italy attacks Bombay and captures it.


2. Impulse. Blizzard/Snow/Snow/Rain/Storm/Rain. CW port strikes Brest, and shoots down a BF-109 with pilots, and damages Scharnhorst. Russia bombs the Iraqi partisan (Is this the 6th time?), and finally, in snow, the Russian air force manages to kill it!  


3. Impulse. Horrible weather: B/B/B/St/St/R. EOT: 3. Japan attacks Wellington at +7 and kills one unit on both sides. Fascists roll out.


Greece gets another partisan. Italy and Japan get one entry chit. France gets one intelligence point.




Jan/Feb 1941


Japan, Germany and USA gear up. USA ends the turn before CW can gear up (Well, I netted 10 BP from the gear up; CW would have netted only 5... so if only one of us got to gear up, it had better be me!)


Movement order: Communists/Fascists/Democrats.


1. Impulse. Blizzard/Snow/Snow/Fine/Storm/Rain. Russia declares war on Italy by having a 1:0 garrison over their common border between Iraq and Trans-Jordan, and the US Congress protests mildly (+1 chit - although Roosevelt's face seems to turn red when he takes a look at the chit he picked). Then Germany announce their neutrality, and ask the treacherous Republic of Spain to join them in their task to "Put an end to CW imperialism, starting the job from the cliffs of Gibraltar." Germany sails to Cape St Vincent but fails to find, and flies a NAV to Bay of Biscay, but is shot down. The French partisan near Bordeaux is killed, opening a route to transfer German troops to Spain

Japan sails from Mexico through the Caribbean, avoiding CW task forces, and activates in US East Coast. IJN finds three times in a row, and sinks a total of 5 CW CPs and damages 2 cruisers. One Japanese cruiser is aborted and sunk by the intercepting CW task force in the Caribbean before CW aborts from the East Coast.

CW responds by hunting the Japanese convoys on the Mexican Coast, but the lone Japanese cruiser manages to damage both CW cruisers.


2. Impulse. Sn/Sn/R/F/St. EOT: 1. Russia rails Yeremenko HQ to Iraq, and has sent all his long range bombers there, along with the paratroop corps. Japan attacks Wellington and captures it, and SW of Calcutta at +6 and kills one Indian infantry. Italy blitzes two hexes SE of Delhi at +10, and Lord Gort is shattered and an Indian territorial killed. CW activates in US East Coast, and a US cruiser Quincy is sunk in the middle of a war rehearsal, having accidentally placed itself between the CW merchant ships and the Japanese cruisers! Making the exercise more realistic for the other side also, they shoot back and sink a Japanese cruiser. In the Mexican Coast a cruiser duel is fought between one cruiser on both sides, and the CW cruiser aborts.


3. Impulse. Sn/Sn/R/F/R/F. Commies roll out. Italy gets one tension chit and Germany one entry. Russia and France get one intelligence point.  


Mar/Apr 1941


CW gears up, and Russia play their owed war option. Then Italy gears up and ends the turn. 


Movement order: Commies/Demos/Fascists.


1. Impulse. Sn/St/R/F/St/R. Germany sails to Cape St. Vincent to cut supply to Gibraltar. First CW finds with 7 surprise points with the task forces in 3- and 4-boxes, and picks a surface combat and sinks three Spanish cruisers and aborts the two remaining. CW loses one cruiser, another is damaged and one more

aborted. On the second round Kriegsmarine finds the 0-box with 9 SPs, picks a surface combat and clears the 0-box from CW ships. On the third round Germany gets 6 SPs and damages a new CW battleship and aborts one other, and CW aborts the sea area.


2. Impulse. Bl/Sn/St/R/St/St. EOT: 1. Russia carpet bombs the Graziani HQ-A and a Libyan territorial sitting in the desert in Suez, and manages to kill the territorial. CW bombs both Essen and Dusseldorf at night and clears through, but to no effect. CW also sends one CP to Cape St. Vincent to keep the supply open, but Kriegsmarine sinks it without mercy. Demos roll out, denying Fascists a second impulse.

Japan gets one tension and Germany entry. Italy and Japan get 2 intelligence points.


 May/June 1941


Japan plays 0(g), and Germany plays his owed Spanish join in (IPO 5) and ends the political turn short.


Movement order: Communists/Fascists/Democrats.


1. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. Russia carpet bombs Graziani in Suez, and despite Italian intelligence, Suez sees the destruction of an entire Italian armoured army group. Italy sends two naval bombers to Cape St Vincent along with a German task force, and Germany ground strikes out of supply Gibraltar. A division and a white print infantry are flipped. Italy captures empty Delhi in India.

US Congress considers a declaration of war against Germany, but after a discussion behind closed doors, the idea is abandoned (rolled a 9). Then a DOW is suggested against Japan, but again to no effect (rolled an 8). Against Germany an entry chit of 5 and tension chit of 0 are removed, and against Japan a 1 entry and a 0 tension chit are removed.


2. Impulse. Fine weather. Russian paratroop corps drops into mountains two hexes East of Suez, and an infantry runs into Amman. Japan attacks Calcutta, using Umezu for HQ support, at +5, and barely captures it (rolled 14), and loses a division and a militia. India seems to fall at the end of turn, with still six corps sitting

in India. Italy transports two corps to Port Said, preventing the Russian paratrooper from cutting the Suez Canal. A German task force sails through Cape St Vincent to North Atlantic, and manages to damage BB Rodney twice, sinking it. Germany again strikes Gibraltar, and gets a CW carrier plane shot down, but loses a fighter too. A CW NAV is flipped.

US Congress again discusses a DOW versus Germany, but again the talks lead to nothing (rolled a 7). A "3" chit is removed from entry, and "1" from tension. One chit is left in each fascist tension pool. 

CW troops in India make a suicide attack against a lone Japanese cavalry, and kill it. 


3. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. Germany activates and misses in Cape St Vincent. In North Atlantic CW finds and, with 7 surprise points, picks a surface combat and damages a German carrier. Germany aborts through Cape St Vincent to Southern Spain, and manages again to dodge the CW task forces in 2-box.

Japan starts slowly to reinforce the Pacific and pull troops out of India.


4. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. EOT: 1. Italy kills a Greek partisan, but loses a garrison corps.

Germany strategically bombs Birmingham, and manages to destroy 1 PP with an old He-111B flying at extended range. CW revenges by bombing Hamburg, but only manages to get his unescorted Stirling shot down. The cleared Wellington does no damage. CW also makes one more suicide attack in India at -1, but

nothing happens.


5. Impulse. Sn/St/R/St/St/St. EOT: 3. Germany again activates in Cape St Vincent, but CW finds, and gets 2 surprise points against the Italian NAVs in three-box. One of the bombers is shot down, the other clears through but is aborted by anti-air. Further search rolls produce no combat.


6. Impulse. Fine weather. EOT: 7. Russia shuffles and ends the turn. 


All fascists get tension, and have now two tension chits. Russia and France get 4 intelligence points. India is conquered by Italy.


(USA has built out the sub force pool, and based all subs in Honolulu, so Japan may not be able to afford a US declaration of war and succesful search rolls. Russia looks pretty strong, having all of its infantries, garrisons and tanks built, and many MECHs. Only the air force is pathetic - ignoring the long-range bombers, of course. Germany is building out its sub and NAV force pools, so a -42 Barbarossa doesn't seem to be in the cards. In fact, it seems that in -42 Russia could be able to seriously hit Germany. What will Germany do? Where will the Italians go after the fall of India? Will fortified Gibraltar hold the German and Italian onslaught? What was the "It's War"-number USA was trying to roll? Only time will tell...)


Jul/Aug 1941                                                                                                                                                                                   Retour en haut de page?


Japan plays 0(g), and Germany breaks the Russian economic agreement with Turkey and activates Turkey in the center hex. Russia gears up, getting now 23 BP/turn, and one more from Japan. Italy plays 0(g). USA first passes Neutrality Act, increasing the US PE to 4. Then Roosevelt kicks CIA into action by playing 0(h) and gets two intelligence operations, and ends the turn before gets to play his third option. Also CW and France don't get their three options off.


Movement order: Democrats/Fascists/Communists.


1. Impulse. Storm in North Monsoon. CW reinforces his task force guarding a transporter in 1-box. Germany strategically bombs Manchester and Coventry with 2 very old bombers, and manages to destroy a total of 3 PPs with perfect rolls. Gibraltar is ground struck, and CW carrier planes shoot down an old Spanish bomber

with pilots. Two stukas clear through and flip all defenders. 


2. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. Japan invades Suva. The Russian PARA near Suez makes a run towards Amman, and flips for starting the move out of supply. An Italian carrier plane flies CAP during reorganisation, and is shot down by a Russian TB-3 trying to slip past and reorganise the PARA. The bomber

is aborted.


3. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. EOT: -1. Democrats pass but decide to save their intelligence points, and don't spend it in EOT roll, and roll a 2. Missed by one. (Damn! I guess we should have used it after all.)

Germany and Italy sail and fly to Cape St Vincent, 4- and 2-box, finds the CW fleet in 1-box, and gets 7 surprise points. Germany picks a surface combat and targets the lone transporter with an X result, and it is sunk. 3 CW cruisers are damaged. Two Spanish and one German cruiser are sunk, and fascists abort the sea

area, having achieved their objective. Combined German/Italian mountain armies assault the fortified Rock (We have modified the 2d10 table to give +1 for each MTN unit attacking a mountain hex.) A CW carrier plane aborts both German stukas flying ground support with -6 table! In shore bombardment battles Italy

gets 4 surprise points, and Italy uses 3 surprise points to pick a CW battleship (with a SB factor of 3, allowing it to bombard for 1 point from the 1-box) sunk, but it saves. In the end, one CW cruiser is sunk, and one battleship and one cruiser damaged. After Teemu's horrible save rolls one Italian battleship and two cruisers are sunk, and a cruiser aborted.

The assault is in the end 1.75:1, and ends up being a +16 attack after von Bock gives HQ support, and Italy uses 5 intelligence points. Defenders are slaughtered. (I guess we really should have used those 5 intelligence points to help us end the turn...)

Italy rebases two fighters in Jerusalem. Russian ATR-bomber tries to reorganise the paratroop corps, but is shot down.


4. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. EOT: 1. CW strategically bombs Cologne, and manages to shoot down an outdated Me-109E. Other demos pass. Italy kills the remaining Greek partisan.


5. Impulse. Storm in North Monsoon. EOT: 3. Demos pass and end the turn.


Japan and Germany get one entry chit. USA gets 4 intelligence points (for their 2 intelligence operations from the play of 0(h)).    


Sept/Oct 1941


CW plays IPO 3 with Turkey, but fails to convince the Turks that this alliance is a good idea (rolled snake eyes; needed 6 or more). USA starts escorting in North Atlantic. Japan plays 0(g). France, after the Turkish affair misfired, wonders what to do, and decides to make an economic agreement with Turkey, and wants to

use their factory. As a secondary option France builds a factory in their new home country, Gabon. Germany plays 0(g) and ends the turn.


Movement order: Fascists/Democrats/Communists.


1. Impulse. Fine weather. German subs sail to Faeroes Gap, but miss. A combined German and Italian fleet sails to North Atlantic, and Germany finds with 3 surprise points, and it is an air to sea battle. An Italian carrier plane is shot down, and a CW carrier plane is then shot down with pilots. CW decides to abort the

sea area. The Mexican ship is back in business and finds the convoys in Caribbean, but is aborted. 

The US Congress once again convenes to discuss a declaration of war against Germany. Russian spies pull some strings among the Senators, and the resolution is passed on the roll of "3"! (Sorry, Teemu! Not a nice birthday present for you - I even promised I won't DOW you tonight (13.12), but since we got two turns...)USA reveals a total entry of 33,5 and a tension of 16, needing to roll a 3. A US task force sails from East Coast to North Atlantic 4-box, and activates, but both sides fail to find.


2. Impulse. Fine. Italy invades Bandar Abbas in Persia, and Japan captures Tonga and Hebrides. USA activates in North Atlantic, and finds and clears through, but achieves nothing. CW redirects his convoy line through Denmark Straits and Canadian Coast with the help of 10 US convoy points.


3. Impulse. Raining in Arctic, North Temperate and North Monsoon. Italy port strikes the 2 Russian CPs in Bandar Shapur, but Russia gets enough surprise points to avoid combat. Japan pulls out most of its CPs transporting the resources from USA, resulting in the resources being dumped into the ocean near Hawaii.

USA activates in North Atlantic, finds with 4 surprise points and manages to shoot down a German carrier plane, and damage the other carrier. Germany aborts the sea area, being without air cover, even though USA only has two carriers and five cruisers.


4. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Monsoon. EOT: 3. Germany strategically bombs London, and shoots down a CW fighter with pilots. 11 bombing factors clear though and destroy 3 PP. CW revenges by bombing Stettin, but misses.


5. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Temperate, and storm in North Monsoon. EOT: 7. Germany strategically bombs Birmingham, Manchester, Coventry and Southampton with naval bombers, and CW revenges by shooting down a Condor with pilots in Birmingham. The other two bombings destroy a total of 2 PP. Fascists roll out.


Germany and Japan get one entry chit. Russia and France get two and USA 4 intelligence points.


 Nov/Dec 1941


Germany wants to make an alliance with the Turks (Suddenly everyone is interested in them. Strange.), and manages to roll over the required 2 with two dice (Apparently we miscalculated how easily CW would have succeeded in the alliance last turn - it seems the 2 he rolled was the only way he could fail. Sigh.). Then

Italy guarantees Turkey and activates Turkey next to fascism. Japan declares war, but doesn't tell who the lucky one is (USA or China - probably USA, as Japan could DOW China by playing JA 6). CW offers a treaty, and another as a secondary option. France accepts both, and has now a level three treaty with CW. CW

promises to send one resource to France (from Sweden, through Russia and to the Turkish factory). As a secondary option France offers a treaty.

Stalin realizes this is the last possible time to act before Turkey joins the fascist ideology for good, and coups Turkey. The dice seem to be sympathetic to his cause, and a 3-dice coup ensues! (He was looking for a civil war or a small coup to keep Turkey out of the Fascist hands...) Seeing a golden opportunity Russia decides to spend 5 intelligence to modify the roll, and rolls a 8+1=9. USA decides to give one more intelligence point to France, writing off two of their own, to allow France to reroll the dice with 10 intelligence points. USA spends 5 intelligence to modify the roll, and Russia gets 11+1=12 modifier in Turkey! Turkey, previously heading steadily for fascism, is activated under Russia on the political display! (Now, that's plain dumb luck in my dictionary. Seems the new official language in Turkey was suddenly changed to Russian - maybe Stalin got one of his relatives in the leader's seat with a lightning purge of the Turkish government.)

China also offers a treaty, and doesn't end the turn. USA plays his first option (of the three), and plays his owed war option for DOWing Germany, and ends the turn before he can accept both French and Chinese treaty propositions as secondary options.


Movement order: Fascists/Democrats/Communists.


1. Impulse. Fine weather. Germany sails subs to Canadian Coast, gets 6 surprise points, and sinks three and aborts 2 convoy points. London is strategically bombed. German bombers clear through and one PP is destroyed. Japan sends a task force out South of Pearl, and another to Hawaiian Islands sea area. A sub

sails to Mendocino, and various small task forces spread over the Pacific.


USA sends MacArthur and a Wildcat fighter to Britain. CW bombs Munich but misses.


2. Impulse. Storm in Arctic, Raining in North Temperate. Japan DOWs USA to prevent USA from getting the surprise impulse with his subs, and because he doesn't want to give USA a free gear up by waiting one more turn (until -42). Japan takes an air impulse and smacks Pearl Harbour. Fortunately there is only one cruiser, CVs Ranger and Wasp (without carrier planes), and all the old battleships. USA shoots down one carrier plane with his surprised AA (rolled an 8), and Japan gets 19 air to sea factors through against 21 ships. 4X's, 3D's and 3A's. USA rolls for almost all the defence rolls well, and CVs Ranger and Wasp, and BB

Wyoming are bottomed, as well as an old 3-mover sub. CA Wichita is damaged, and Oklahoma, Tennessee and Pennsylvania are aborted. No ships sunk. 

Japan also activates in Hawaiian Islands sea area with his carrier plane, and sinks the five US convoy points. In Marshalls sea area one US CP is sunk.

USA sails out his subs from Honolulu, and returns CPs to USA. The face-up battlewagons decide it is healthier to be somewhere else, and head for US West Coast. Russia tries to carpet bomb the Italian marine in Oman, but misses (rolled one too low).


3. Impulse. Bl/Sn/St/F/St/R. EOT: 1. Japan attacks the Burmese militia in Rangoon at +18 and kills it. US subs in Solomons activate and try to find the Japanese convoy point, but to no avail. Demos roll out.

US subs return to Honolulu (Having it as a US home country city has certain advantages - no need to keep a fragile CP line to hold it in supply, and once I place that SYNTH there next turn the sub fleet should have no trouble tracing to oil even after the current stockpiles have run out. Tojo, be very afraid!).

Germany and Japan get one entry chit. Russia and France get 2 intelligence points, USA 4. Burma is conquered by Japan.




 Jan/Feb 1942


Germany coups Turkey. Italy and Russia use intelligence to affect the roll, and a counter coup occurs, giving Russia a +6. Russia then gears up (counting the Minsk/Kiev PM bonus Russia gets now 38 BP/turn, plus one from Japan), and as a secondary option offers a treaty. China also offers a treaty. Japan plays 0(h) twice, accepting the Russian treaty proposition as a secondary option (renewing their treaty after the required 9-turn period) and ends the turn before Italy, USA (three options), CW and France (also three options) can play.


(Mike Aein again pointed out the error of our ways: Russia couldn't have couped Turkey in N/D -41 because they should have been 4th in initiative since Turkey's willpower is 4. As the easiest fix by far is to make CW and France drop behind Russia, getting Russia to 4th initiative position, we decided to do assume this



Movement order: Communists/Democrats/Fascists.


1. Impulse. Horrible weather. Bl/Bl/Bl/R/St/R. USA and China declare war on Italy (US with a 50% chance after using intel in the roll - and now USA is at total war, and since all major powers are at war, political round is also longer. Now, let's get to business...) US sub fleet sorties from Honolulu and both sides find in

China Sea, resulting in a damaged Japanese cruiser and two US subs. Germany sails his surface fleet to canadian Coast and misses, in US East Coast his subs find and sink 4 CW convoy points, but a sub is damaged. In Faeroes Gap subs miss.


2. Impulse. Even worse weather: Bl/Bl/Bl/R/St/St. EOT: 1. US and CW task forces sail to Canadian Coast, find the Kriegsmarine, and decide to fight against the 3-box. Thanks to excellent damage control only one German cruiser is damaged, and Gneisenau and another cruiser are aborted. In Coral Sea US subs manage to

sink two Japanese convoy points.


3. Impulse. Sn/Sn/R/F/R/F. EOT: 8. Russia shuffles and ends the turn. 


USA gets 12 and Russia 3 intelligence points. 


Mar/Apr 1942


Russia makes an alliance with Turkey, and as a secondary option intends to declare war. Japan plays 0(h), USA reflags 15 convoy points to Russia, and Japan offers a treaty as a secondary option. Germany plays 0(g). Italy accepts the Japanese treaty proposition, upgrading their treaty to level 3. Then USA plays the

owed DOW of Italy, ends the turn, decides to use 10 intelligence points to reroll the end of turn roll, and can continue politics. As a secondary option USA offers a treaty to CW, and as a second primary option gears up to PML 6, getting to use all factories. As his second secondary option USA offers a treaty to France, and as

a third primary option gears up to PML 7 (PM 1.0 + 0.5 for total war, resulting in 60 BP/turn!), and ends the turn before CW can accept the treaty.


Movement order: Democrats/Fascists/Communists.


1. Impulse. Fine weather. USA sails his sub fleet but doesn't activate, and also all old battleships to Caribbean, and attacks Mexico City at +13, killing it with a roll of 17. Russia flies defensive ground support against the Italians attacking his cavalry on the Saudi oil, and gets a TB-3 heavy bomber shot down, but manages to revenge by shooting down an Italian fighter with pilots. The lone cavalry is slaughtered. On his own impulse Russia carpet bombs the Italians and kills a field artillery.


2. Impulse. Bl/Sn/St/R/St/St. US subs activate but miss; same with German subs all over the Atlantic (Where the CW convoy line is - CW is avoiding North and Central Atlantic, going from US East Coast to the coasts of Iceland and Greenland and through Faeroes Gap, and transporting also two resources from Sweden and Finland through Norwegian Sea and Faeroes Gap. CW is also transporting a resource or two from South Africa along the South American Coast to US East Coast.). Russia sends the 15 convoy points out of Vladivostok towards North America, 5 CPs per sea area.


3. Impulse. Raining in the Arctic. EOT: 3. CW reinforces Norwegian Sea convoys carrying his resources from Finland and Sweden, but German subs manage to sink the three convoy points. Demos roll out.


Italy gets 4 and Japan 12 intelligence points. France (with 2 intelligence points) tries to halve the Japanese intelligence points and succeed, rolling a 2. Japan uses 5 intelligence to roll initiative beforehand, gets a 2 and gives it to Russia.


Mexico is conquered by USA, giving them an extra factory and two oil resources in addition of the resource they have captured earlier.


May/June 1942


France (getting a factory as a reinforcement, in addition of the Turkish factory Russia graciously lets them still use) gears up two years late (now getting 4 BP/turn before any lend lease) and as a secondary option offers a treaty to USA. USA accepts and gives only one oil to France from now on. As a secondary option USA offers a treaty to CW, and CW accepts. USA stops oil shipments to CW, but instead sends two build points per turn. As a secondary option CW offers a treaty to Russia. Japan plays 0(g) and ends the turn before Germany can play his three options.


Since Russia has a roll of 2 as his initiative roll no one is surprised that Russia wants a reroll as soon as everyone has rolled and won him. This time Italy rolls the initiative beforehand, assuring Fascists go before Russia. (Both German and Russian troops are settled for Barbarossa. The entire world is holding its breath...) 


Movement order: Democrats/Fascists/Communists.


1. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and South Monsoon; Storm in North Monsoon. (Seems the German plans are delayed - no use to try charging forward in Russian rains.) US subs sail and are found in China Sea, and one sub is damaged. In Solomons USA finds and decides to target a lone Japanese cruiser in 3-box, and sinks it. China starts waging war against Italy by sailing the mighty Ning Ha from Canton to Arabian Sea 1-box, and sinking two unescorted Italian convoy points.


2. Impulse. Fine weather. Chinese subs sail to South China Sea and try to find the lone Italian cruiser on his way to Japan to sink the Russian convoy line to Canada. Subs find, get 7 surprise points, and sink it with 2 damage results. CW and USA strategically bomb Dusseldorf and one German and one Italian fighter

intercept. The German fighter is shot down, but the heavy bomber is aborted. The lone cleared through Wellington misses all targets.

Barbarossa begins! Germany slaughters the Russian speedbumps, killing a total of 6 corps. Odessa is protected well enough to enable Russians to transport the factory to Siberia. Japanese sub (Sailing from Malta) activates in Central Atlantic, but the US task force spots it with 5 surprise points and sinks it.


3. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. CW and US task forces port strike Gibraltar, and Italy gets 3 surprise points. In air to air battles Italy manages to down three CW carrier planes with pilots, and two US carrier planes. One Italian carrier plane is shot down. A lone bomber clears through, only to find the task force

empty as the ships sailed out an impulse before!

USA activates in Bismarck Sea, trying to sink Japanese convoys, but Japan finds twice in a row and sinks two US subs and damages one. Germany marches forward, killing only one Russian corps in addition of killing one defender in Odessa, and Russia rails the Kiev factory to Siberia.


4. Impulse. Storm/Rain/Fine/Storm/Rain/Rain. EOT: 1. All demos pass, except CW, having forgotten to move his transporters to Canada to pick up stuff from there. Turn doesn't end. Germany makes a combined impulse, sails subs to Denmark Straits and Faeroes Gap, but misses. Odessa is attacked at +3 and one unit is lost on both sides. Italy attack Riyadh at 6:1 and kills it. Vitebsk factory is railed to Siberia.


5. Impulse. Rain in North Monsoon. EOT: 5. A US long range NAV port strikes German fleet in Bordeaux, and manages to damage CA Graf Spee. Other demos pass, and roll a 7. Missed by one!

Germany attacks West of Kiev at +9 (against two MECHs and an AT division), and blitzes the defenders to production chart. In the North Germany blitzes one infantry to oblivion. Fascists roll out.


Fascists roll 2 as their highest intelligence roll, and France, China and Russia get 6, and USA 12 intelligence points. China rolls initiative beforehand, gets a 7 and gives it to Russians. Japanese try to halve the US intelligence points, but roll above the 2 they have.


Jul/Aug 1942                                                                                                                                                                                   Retour en haut de page?


Germany plays his owed Russian DOW. As his second primary option Germany makes an economic agreement with Yugoslavia. CW and Japan play 0(g) and end the turn.


Movement order: Communists/Fascists/Democrats.


1. Impulse. Storm in North Monsoon. Dnepropetrovsk factory is railed to Barnaul in Siberia. Russia makes some ground strikes, but only gets a two-engined bomber shot down. Italy strategically bombs Moscow with Piaggio, and manages to destroy 3 PP! Germany attacks Kiev at +10 and takes it. CW and USA sail task forces to Bay of Biscay (maybe preparing to port strike the German fleet in Bordeaux). US subs sail out but miss Japanese convoys.


2. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. Leningrad factory is railed to Alma-Ata. Kriegsmarine sails from Bordeaux, and avoids detection from the democratic fleets in Bay of Biscay and Faeroes Gap. It stops and activates in Denmark Straits (Teemu figures there isn't much he would want to do with ships at this stage

of the game, so risking them is OK), but CW gets three surprise points and gets a cruiser sunk. Two German cruisers abort, and manage again to slip past the CW fleet in Norwegian Coast, and escape to Kiel. USA and CW respond by flying naval bombers to North Sea, and USA sails a task force to Denmark Straits. USA gets two surprise points and Scharnhorst, Bismarck and Tirpitz are forced to abort. While trying to slip past the NAVs in North Sea they are spotted. USA and CW get 10 surprise points, and Bismarck is sunk and Tirpitz damaged.


3. Impulse. Fine weather. EOT: -1. Russia attacks South of Kiev and gets a */1B result, promoting a MECH banner. The hex isn't occupied. Germany attacks in the Northern front near SW of Pskov at +11 and gets the same result; a Russia militia dies. NW of Kiev Germany makes a +8 assault and both sides lose one unit.

All units in Kiev are now face down, and Russia eyes the city greedily, seeing his +0.25 PM right in front of his eyes...

When demos are figuring what impulses to take, Russia demands the use of the Turkish factory (which the French are using as a result of their play of IPO 2). Democrats point out that once the Russians said the Turks are honoring their economic agreement, they will be doing so until the Turkish control changes, so

Russia can't have the factory short of breaking the French agreement. Then Russia demands that Free France should lend lease them the build point the factory produces. Demos simply refuse, stating that Free France is producing at 4 BP/turn, and can't afford to lend lease to anyone 25% of their income, even less to

Russia who isn't in a danger of collapsing, but is about to get back Kiev and a +0.25 PM, netting about 6 BP this turn.

Russia states that if he can't have the build point the factory produces, no one can. Russia won't allow the French to transport a resource to the factory through their territory. Democrats respond by threatening to pass if this is done, which would of course screw up the Russian intentions to take back Kiev. Russia nods and tells demos to go ahead. 


All democrats pass. USA uses 5 intelligence points to affect the roll, and rolls a one. Turn ends.


Russia calls fascists out of the room for a negotiation. After about a half an hour, they return, obviously with some kind of agreement. (My, my... all this hassle over one lousy build point per turn. But if Russia wants to just mess up the demos' play without getting any direct benefit, we can do the same to him. Oh yes, we can... just wait and see. We won't be blackmailed.)


Germany outrolls both CW and Russia, and Italy and Japan get three intelligence points.


Sep/Oct 1942


CW makes an alliance with Finland which is stacked under him. Next, Germany offers a conditional surrender to the Russians. Russians accept. The peace terms are as follows:


Russia and Germany come to peace immediately.

This treaty may only be broken by breaking the non-aggression pact resulting from signing this peace.

Neither participant may make any treaty levels with democrats as long as this treaty is in effect.

Russia gets all hexes East of Vistula river from Poland, Warsaw and hex 2734 (SE of Warsaw), and all    Russian home country hexes currently controlled by Germany. Germany (Rumania) retains control of all hexes in Bessarabia.

Russia gains control of all hexes in the Baltic States.

Germany will not interfere in Russian operations against Italy, or the conquest of Greece, Bulgaria or Yugoslavia. In the event of Russian conquest of Hungary or Austria, Russian controlled hexes in either country are transferred to German control.

While Yugoslavia is conquered by Russia or Russia controls the Yugoslavian resources, Russia will give two resources per turn to Germany.

Japan and Germany are guaranteed free access through Suez while Suez is Russian controlled. Germany will not deliver troops against the Russian Suez operation.

Finland, Persia, Iraq and Saudi Arabia (Middle East) are part of the Russian sphere of influence. Germany will try to influence Japan to allow Russian troops a free passage through Manchuria, if Russia so wishes. In this case:

Russia is obliged to renew his treaty with Japan when their current 9-turn time limit is over. 

Russia will use 17 CPs to transport Japanese resources instead of the two they are using now, and after these CPs are destroyed, Russia will deliver these resources to Manchuria by land instead. 

Japan will not interfere in the war between Russia and Italy.

Germany will guarantee Russia a free passage from Baltic Sea to North Sea.

Sweden is part of the German sphere of influence.

This treaty is a "goodwill-treaty", where the intent overrides the wording.


After the publication of these shocking news, Russia plays RU 4 as a secondary option, preparing to declare war. Japan and Italy play 0(g), ending the turn (once again!) before China can play.


USA spends 5 intelligence points to roll initiative beforehand, rolls a 2 and gives it to communists. France spends another 5 intelligence points, rolls initiative beforehand, getting a 2 and gives it to fascists.


Democrats roll the initiative and roll a 5. Movement order: Democrats/Fascists/Communists.


1. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Monsoon. USA makes a naval impulse, covering convoys from America to Britain, transporting new stuff from USA to Europe, and sailing subs out. Three subs returned to base last turn from South China Sea to Free French controlled Reunion island on the coast of Madagascar,

and head for Arabian Sea and Red Sea to hunt Japanese and Italian convoys. Jankke, as Italy/Japan, is surprised. Unfortunately, so seem the US sailors to be. In Red Sea the 2 Italian convoy points are missed, and in Arabian Sea the Japanese also avoid their fate.

CW sails a lone transporter from Southern Britain to Arctic Ocean, and unloads a Canadian infantry in Petsamo. Now Russia can't DOW Finland before DOWing CW, and since CW and Russia don't have a common border, it is impossible. One task force emerges from the port of Belfast, and sails to Cape St. Vincent. CW

strategically bombs Dusseldorf and Essen, but the only result is a shot down US fighter.

Italy sails from Malta to Cape St. Vincent. Japan, who caught demos by surprise by returning a task force to base in Gibraltar, sails also to Cape St. Vincent. CW gets four surprise points versus the combined Italian/Japanese fleet in 3-box, and after taking a look at the Italian battleship fleet, decides to take an air to sea battle. Two CW carrier planes are shot down, one with pilot, to one destroyed Japanese carrier plane (the good one - 6 A2A, 7 range). CW aborts the sea area after getting two of their four carrier planes shot down, and being outgunned on the surface.


2. Impulse. Fine weather. Units are shuffled. USA sails three task forces to North Sea 3-box. Germany starts a mass transit from Poland to France.


3. Impulse. Still fine weather. EOT: 1. USA port strikes Kiel, gets one surprise point, and clears through after aborting the lone intercepting FW-190. 17 air to sea factors pound the German fleet, and Tirpitz and Scarnhorst are bottomed, and a cruiser damaged. The German surface fleet is reduced to Schlesien, a carrier, transporter and an AMPH in Stettin, and two slow Spanish ships and a carrier in Southern Spain.

Russia uses intelligence to make sure turn doesn't end, and stabs Turkey in the back, losing his face in front of the political community (-1 PE for DOWing an allied minor). 

Russia has two corps in both Ankara and Istanbul, and one in each other city besides Antioch. When they DOW Turkey, Turkish units can't set up on top of the Russian ones, so they have a hard time getting supply, but manage it. Russia ground strikes the Turkish HQ next to Ankara, limiting the chance of a succesful

attack in the city, and decides to use intelligence to help the turn to end. He throws a 2, and turn ends.

The back-stab was as succesful as it can be - the Turks got no chance to act.


Italy and Japan get 4 intelligence points. 


Nov/Dec 1942


CW and Germany play 0(g). Italy calls a League of Nations meeting, and demands an "Enough is enough" ultimatum against Russia for declaring war on Italy in the distant past. Germany and Japan are symphatetic to their ally's cause, and inform their minor lackeys (umm... I mean countries) to vote for the sanctions.

Democrats see their opportunity to get a casus bellum against Russia, allowing them to declare war on it if they see fit, and direct their minor countries to vote for the proposal. With Turkey dead and Norway, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia abstaining (being in the neutral zone), there is no one against the sanctions (since Russia can't vote because it is the target). With a united voice, the League of Nations delivers a message to Stalin: "Enough is enough. If you don't back down from your war against the Italians, and return them the territories they controlled at the start of your war, every member of the League of Nations has free hands to declare war on you (has a casus bellum against Russia as long as Russia is at war with Italy)."


Japan plays 0(g). Russia wants to coup Yugoslavia, but after realizing he is too low in initiative (should be 4th or less), places a coup cell. As a secondary option Russia declares war. China manages to play the first of their two options, and finally plays their owed Italian DOW, and ends the turn. USA gets 6 and France 3

bid points, both failing to play either one of their two options.


Movement order: Democrats/Communists/Fascists.


1. Impulse. Storm/Rain/Fine/Fine/Fine/Fine. USA and Russia declare war on Vichy France. CW takes a naval impulse and sails a TF and a TRS with a US marine onboard to Cape St. Vincent 3-box. USA sails two task forces from Plymouth to accompany them, and takes a marine engineer and a mountain division aboard the

destroyers. A new battleship and TRS with a fighter onboard go to 0-box from USA. A TF from Plymouth goes to guard them and the two French transporters, carrying an US infantry and GAR. The marine and MTN division land in Casablanca, and marine engineer in Mogador. A paratrooper, returned to base in Gambia last turn, steps to Dakar in Senegal, scuttling two Vichy destroyers and one convoy point. Two CAs and two CPs rebase to St. Louis in Mauretania. A fighter rebases to Dakar from Gambia, and three US heavy bombers rebase to Morocco, two directly from USA, one from Britain. The early Mustang rebases from transporter to Casablanca. One CW heavy Lancaster also rebases to Mogador.

Russia runs over Syria, heading towards Suez. Germany rebases aircraft, including all naval bombers, towards Gibraltar.


2. Impulse. Bl/Sn/Sn/R/St/R. USA takes a combined action, and captures Rabat and more Moroccoan hexes. Two ATRs rebase from America to Dakar; a Kittyhawk fighter rebases from Dakar to Morocco. Germany rebases more aircraft, and rails in some land units in Spain, too. Russia bombs the Saudi oil, but

misses (rolled a 1).


3. Impulse. Horrible weather: 10+2=12. Bl/Bl/Bl/St/St/R. EOT: 5. More units transported towards action, including a Canadian MOT from South Africa. Commies roll out.


Both US task forces and the CW one in Cape St Vincent slide down to 2-box. USA gets 8 intelligence points, France and China 4. Syria is conquered by Russia, and Morocco and Senegal by USA.




Jan/Feb 1943


CW, Germany and Italy gear up to their maximum production. Japan gears up, and plays 0(h) once and ends the turn, leaving still two of his own options unplayed.


Japan uses 5 intelligence points to roll initiative, rolls a 5 and gives it to democrats.

Movement order: Fascists/Democrats/Communists.


1. Impulse. Horrible weather: Bl/Bl/Bl/R/St/St. German subs sail to Faeroes Gap and sinks a CW cruiser. Three subs abort and one is damaged. Democrat fleet sails to Cape St Vincent 0-box with 7 or 8 TRS and unload a bunch of US aircraft and land units.


2. Impulse. Bl/Bl/Sn/F/St/R. EOT: 3. Italian and Japanese fleet, accompanied with German and Italian NAVs, go hunting democratic fleets in Cape St Vincent. Fascists find in 3-box, demos in 2-box, resulting in one surprise point to fascists. Fascists have incredible luck in air to air rolls, and shoot down 7 carrier planes, 3

with pilots, while losing nothing themselves (and most of this at 0- or +1 table!). Democrats roll -3/4 for AA, and roll 16! Condor goes down with pilot. US carrier Essex is sunk with a carrier plane along a CW cruiser, but democrats revenge by sinking two Japanese carriers with carrier planes. Russia attacks East of Suez at

8:1 and slaughters some Italians. Also some Italians on the Saudi Arabian oil are slaughtered.


3. Impulse. Sn/St/F/F/R/F. EOT: 8. Italy carpet bombs lone Zhukov in the desert but misses. Fascists roll out.


USA gets two and France one intelligence points. 


Mar/Apr 1943


USA plays 0(h) and gets two extra intelligence operations. Japan, Italy, CW and Germany play 0(g).


Movement order: Communists/Fascists/Democrats.


1. Impulse. Raining in Arctic. German subs sail to Canadian Coast and sink 6 CW convoy points. US and CW fleets sail to Bay of Biscay and invade St Nazaire with a US MOT and Clark. Eight full-loaded transporters sail from USA to Cape St Vincent 0-box, unloading their cargo.


2. Impulse. St/St/R/F/R/F. Russia attacks NE of Suez, using Zhukov's HQ support, and shatters the defenders. East of Salonika in Greece sees two Russian infantries killed while trying to attack a lone Italian garrison in the mountains, supported by shore bombardment and aircraft. US subs sail once again trying to

sink Japanese convoys, and this time hit the jackpot in China Sea: 6 CPs sunk, the three remaining forced to abort. US and CW heavy bombers carpet bomb Tangiers, but only get a CW bomber shot down. Clark is evacuated from St Nazaire, and replaced with a CW garrison corps. A US paratroop corps captures the

capital of Mauretania, and a marine engineer invades and goes sunbathing in out of supply Tenerife in Canary Islands.


3. Impulse. Sn/Sn/R/R/St/R. EOT: 3. Russia blitzes Japanese troops in Suez at +8 and retreats them, closing Suez from the Italians. China declares war on Vichy and captures Hanoi in Indo-China. USA and CW attack West of Tangiers and kill both Spanish defenders at the cost of New York militia. Democrats roll out.


USA gets 10 and CW and France one intelligence point. Indo-China is conquered by China and Mauretania by USA. Italy doesn't have enough oil to reorganise even half of his units. US fast fleets, previously operating in Europe, return to base in Washington.


May/Jun 1943                                                                                                                                                                                Retour en haut de page?


Germany offers a treaty. Japan plays 0(h), and as a secondary option offers a treaty. Italy accepts both proposals to renegotiate economic agreements, and both Germany and Japan give one oil to Italy. USA and CW play 0(g), Russia decides to build a factory and China can play his owed DOW on Vichy.


Fascists lose initiative and demand a reroll, but movement order is still Communists/Democrats/Fascist.


1. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. US transport fleet again delivers troops in Morocco, this time they bring in six brand new fighters (even one -44 model of P-51D Mustang got into force pool with the use of intelligence points and very good luck!). The troops from St Nazaire in France are evacuated. 

(Morocco and Er Rif have now HQs MacArthur, Clark, Eisenhower and Bradley, as well as two tanks, two field artilleries, one AA, MTN corps and a division, and several MECH and ARM divisions, and also a MAR and INF. The USAF consists of four heavy bombers, three ATRs and eight (!) fighters. CW has Monty, an ARM and MOT, some additional land units and four or five heavy bombers and two fighters. It is getting difficult to find airfields for all those aircraft! These aircraft are opposed by three German 2-engined and three one-engined fighters, two Italian fighters and about all the naval bombers and crappy 2-engined bombers they have. HQ Kesselring is watching over the MTN corps hordes sitting in Er Rif and Gibraltar, and the Spanish defending South Spain.)

Two French bombers try to strike Tangiers with two bombers, and one of them is shot down. Italian mountain corps is flipped. Germany has troops ready to invade Sweden from Denmark, but they are holding back... 

(Maybe because CW and Germany have been negotiating a peace treaty, where CW can keep Sweden and Finland, and Germany gives control of Denmark to CW in order for CW be able to strike at Russia through the Baltic States. A part of this deal seems to be that also CW and Italy make peace, and all three go after

Russia. Control of Gibraltar would remain in Italian hands, which is unacceptable to USA, so I guess I want to take it from them ASAP. I guess after that it is Japan - there is little I can do in Europe without CW help. The war against Japan won't be easy, either - CW will be busy in Europe, and as India is Italian conquered,

CW can't help taking it back. Without pressure against India from CW it means I will have to operate from Honolulu only, because splitting my fleet between South Africa and Hawaii will only result in it being slaughtered by strong Japanese fleets and LBA. It's a challenge allright.)


2. Impulse. Fine weather. Russia takes Salonika at 8:1. CW and USA take a land impulse and shuffle units in Morocco. German subs sail from Brest to Bay of Biscay and Canadian Coast. In Bay of Biscay the two loaded CW AMPHs are missed, but in Canadian Coast they find two French cruisers, which are both damaged, but also one German sub is damaged and three abort.


3. Impulse. St/R/F/St/R/R. USA makes a naval impulse and sails CPs and fleets from Washington towards Pacific. An AMPH sails from Plymouth, but is spotted by German subs in Bay of Biscay, and has to stop there. A US task force containing three 5-mover BBs and three light carriers leaves Plymouth, and is also spotted by the wolfpack. It decides to fight through, and goes to 2-box with a CW NAV. Democrat luck seems to have run out, since their search roll is 10, excluding all the other units from the battle, and giving Germany 8 surprise points, giving Teemu a chance to pick a surface combat. Confidently, USA chooses BB South Dakota, with a defence factor of 2, to suffer the X result... and it is sunk. On the next combat round German subs find again, gets 8 surprise points against the 1-box, and picks the US AMPH to suffer the X result. Fortunately it saves, being only damaged. Further search rolls produce no combat.

Germany takes a combined action and sails a brand new sub to Denmark Straits, sinking two CPs and aborting three. The sub is damaged. In Canadian Coast Germany rolls the needed 1 and gets 10 surprise points, and sinks 6 CPs and aborts three. All remaining subs abort.


4. Impulse. Fine weather. EOT: 3. Russia takes Cairo and starts to prepare for the eventual Barbarossa - the German units are starting to roll towards Poland. Italian and Japanese subs and Italian NAVs go hunting Democratic ships in CSV, and during four combat rounds manage to shoot down (with bare NAVs, yikes!) two CW carrier planes and one pilot, and damage a carrier and abort all ships except the CW TRS in 2-box (3 CVs, 1 BB and 2 cruisers). 0-box survives without any bloodshed.


5. Impulse. St/R/F/St/R/R. EOT: 5. Russia advances towards Alexandria in Egypt, and starts planning his rearward defence against -44 Barbarossa against both CW (attacking from Finland) and Germany, railing even two MECHs in Viborg and some troops near Murmansk. Commies roll out.


USA has eight intelligence multiples, but Russia rolls a 10 and gets one intelligence point. (GRRR! If I had high enough entry level against Russia, I would DOW him myself! Without his roll USA would have got 40 IPs!)   


Spanish Sahara is conquered by USA and Egypt by Russia.


Jul/Aug 1943


China goes first, and offers a treaty to USA, and another as a secondary option. USA makes an economic agreement with Cuba, and as secondary option accepts Chinese treaties. Japan plays 0(h). CW makes an alliance with Venezuela to get it back, since the Chinese-US treaties moved it to the French sphere of

influence, and as a secondary option plays 0(f) in anticipation of following peace offers. Germany offers a conditional surrender to CW, giving CW Denmark as a compensation, thus securing also Sweden and Finland to CW, and opening CW a route to attack Russia. Then Germany ends the turn before Russia can play, and

Italy can offer his surrenender.


USA uses 5 intelligence to roll initiative, and movement order is D/F/C. Fascists demand a reroll, and this time order changes to C/D/F.


1. Impulse. Storm in North Monsoon. Russia, figuring there is only so much to lose, declares war on CW and Finland, trying to get to Helsinki and remove Finns rom the war before CW arrives in force. The two ground strikes fail miserably, and Russians decide to land in Hango and walk forward slowly.

France counter-DOWs Russia for free. CW burns an offensive chit and makes a supercombined, moving his fleet to Baltic, unloading a good bunch of troops in Finland, and even rebasing most of the Royal Air Force near Helsinki. USA carpet bombs East of Tangiers, but only gets one of his bombers and fighters, and one pilot, dead. Germany, freed from CW threat to his factories, makes an air impulse and flies all of his available NAVs and fighters to Cape St Vincent, and clears through the lone US fighter trying to protect the two French transporters, sinking one and damaging the other. All long-range (read: 6 or more ranged) fighters

and bombers rebase towards Gibraltar to pound the US supply lines. As the US has sent his entire fleet towards the Pacific to maul Japan (except three pathetic old battleships), it shouldn't be too difficult since CW can't help any more...


2. Impulse. Same weather. Russia is stuck in Finland after CW burned his offensive chit, and only makes defensive lines. CW marches forward, and slaughters the arrogant Russians in Hango. USA sails a fleet and two transporters to CSV 0-box, and Germany finds three times in a row, aborting the protecting US fighters,

and sinking one and damaging one transporter. In the end the supply remains cut, and Germany starts striking the helpless Yanks. However, Bradley gives the last ammunition from his personal storage (uses emergency HQ supply) to some Mustangs, and they manage to shoot down one old German bomber with pilots. USA also sails a task force to Coral Sea to engage a Japanese task force, but neither side finds.


3. Impulse. Still same weather. USA again tries to find in various Pacific sea areas with his sub fleet but misses, as do both sides' search rolls where the surface fleets are hunting.


4. Impulse. Raining in North Monsoon. EOT:1. Russia passes and ends the turn even after USA spends 5 intelligence to modify the roll.


Democrats, rolling nine dice, win, and USA (having a multiple of 10) gets 30 intelligence point, and France 6. 


Sep/Oct 1943                                                                                                                                                                                  Retour en haut de page?


CW guarantees Sweden to get it stacked, and as a secondary option again plays 0(f). USA is next and makes an economic agreement with Colombia, wanting their oil (since last turn USA was 1 resource short, having spent only a small amount of oil to reorganise). As a secondary option USA offers a treaty to China (who, BTW, payed for the US economic imperialism). Japan goes next, playing 0(g), and gives turn to Russia, who plays owed DOW for CW and Finnish DOWs, and ends the turn before Italy can make peace with CW.


Movement order: D/F/C.


1. Impulse. Raining in Arctic and North Monsoon. A US fleet staying out to sea last turn in the Solomons port strikes Kwajalein and sinks the AMPH. A Japanese fleet sails and land based air flies to challenge the US fleet in Marianas, and combat round after combat round sees US fleet getting surprise on the Japanese, but

poor US air to air rolls. In the end three US carrier planes are shot down, one with pilots, and a carrier sunk. One Japanese carrier is sunk with a good plane (the 7-ranged) onboard, one carrier plane destroyed and one carrier damaged. Also a cruiser on both sides is sunk, and one damaged. Japan decides to leave the sea

area, since all of his land based air were aborted, and he has only one carrier plane remaining. US subs are lucky for a change, and sink Japanese convoys in Arabian Sea and South China Sea. South China Sea is cleared of CPs when six are destroyed and three abort. A US convoy point manages to sneak supply through the German blockade in Cape St Vincent.

Russia still stands awaiting the CW onslaught, and watching German land units start camping near his border.


2. Impulse. R/R/F/St/F. Despite the guarding -44 model Mustangs Germany manages to sink the US convoy providing supply to Morocco, but this time at a cost: A 9-factor German night-fighter, and a German heavy bomber are shot down with pilots (both were shot down by an old Airacobra - at -2 and -7 tables after the

Mustang was forced to abort!)


3. Impulse. Fine weather. EOT: 1. Still heavy fighting in the Pacific. One US carrier (with a carrier plane) is sunk, many carrier planes are shot down on both sides. US fighters in Cape St Vincent shoot down two German two-engined fighter with pilots.


4. Impulse. Fine. EOT: 3. USA acts, other democrats pass. USA manages to cut the Japanese convoy line to Australia, and with the use of intelligence points ends the turn. 


USA gets 12 and France one intelligence point. both USA and Japan had about half a dozen carrier planes shot down this turn.


Nov/Dec 1943


Italy offers a surrender to CW. Japan plays 0(g), and CW accepts the Italian peace offer. Italy gives the entire Libya (with the exception of Tripoli) to CW, as well as islands of Rhodos, Malta, Crete and Cyprus, and the remaining Italian hexes in Egypt. Italy also keep control of the resource in Cyprus, and guarantees free

passage to CW through Gibraltar. CW guarantees Italy a free passage through Suez once it is under CW control.

Germany plays 0(h) three times. USA plays 0(g), and Stalin orders a huge industrial buildup in the city of Chelyabinsk in Siberia.


Movement order: Fascists/Democrats/Communists.


1. Impulse. Sn/Sn/R/F/R/F. Pretty quiet impulse, at sea nobody finds. Russia still prepares for the coming onslaught.


2. Impulse. St/R/F. Still pretty quiet; small skirmishes in the Pacific between the US sub fleet and Japanese escorts. Surface fleets fail to find. US marines capture undefended Eniwetok and Majuro in the Marshalls. In Europe nothing significant happens.


3. Impulse. Fine weather. EOT:3. US and Japanese surface fleets clash in the Marianas. In three combat rounds 8 US carrier planes and one land-based fighter are shot down with four pilots, and two carriers are sunk. Four Japanese carrier planes and two twin-engined NAVs and three pilots are shot down on the

Japanese side. One Japanese carrier and Musashi are sunk, and Yamato is damaged. Even if the USN lost more, it is a clear victory for the US - they have the spiral full of new ships. Japan is merely repairing their old ones, since their force pool has been built out ages ago. Fascists roll out.


Italy and Japan get two intelligence points, Germany ten.


A.D.G. Copyright notice


America in Flames, World in Flames and all their components and kits, in both their electronic and printed forms, are Copyright 1985 ~ 2002, Australian Design Group.


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